Google just bought Motorola for 12,5 billion, and in my view this is a very good thing for the entire industry. The mobile device market has been growing at an amazing pace, and this largely because of the innovation that iPhone and Android based devices are delivering. In time, mobile devices powered by iPhone/iPads and Android devices will replace the traditional desktop and reshape the IT landscape. A whole host of new products and opportunities for IT vendors and resellers.
And this innovation and growth could only be blocked by one thing – the US patent system. Supposedly it protects innovators but it does exactly the opposite. Android already faced significant lawsuits which could deter device makers of using the platform. However, with Googles Motorola buy, Googles has a huge patent portfolio that can be used to defend itself against Apple and others. With google protecting Android and companies developing for Android, the market is suddenly a lot safer. And thus market growth and innovation has been secured. Heads up to Google!
UUh. It seems Google finally realized Apple's "without good hardware you won't have success with SW". Regarding Motorola patents, least likely they have *needed* patents, otherwise Motorola would already charged Apple. Innovates Apple, Google are copycats and pussies. I think you will tell Heads down Google when it starts copy your business.
UUh. It seems Google finally realized Apple's "without good hardware you won't have success with SW". Regarding Motorola patents, least likely they have *needed* patents, otherwise Motorola would already charged Apple. Innovates Apple, Google are copycats and pussies. I think you will tell Heads down Google when it starts copy your business.
Google taking over everything! You can do voip chat via Google, social network, surf etc.
What would we do without Google?
I just hope this doesn't create a sense of effortless complacency with Google (though they don't seem that type). What this should result to is added value for their consumers.
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