We got our 3CXPhone for Iphone approved and its now available from the Apple Appstore. Pretty cool! The app makes it easy to answer your extension from anywhere using your Apple Iphone, Itouch or Ipad - using either wireless or 3G.
3CXPhone for Iphone requires iOS 4.0 and up (4.1 preferred)and works seamlessly on any iOS apple device. One of the nice things about the Apple platform is that the standard is enforced, so that you know it works on any iOS Apple device out there.
For information how to install and configure it, click here. General help information can be found here. 3CXPhone for Iphone forums are here.
Lokking forward to hear your feedback!
Excellent, only took a couple of seconds to set up. The look and feel is very good and transferring calls works flawlessly.
The incoming call dialog is just a iPhone notification message and could be better, I suspect this is a weakness with the iPhone API however.
The one feature I am missing is a way of "going mobile" when already on a call. The use case is that you are on a call on your desk phone and you want to walk over to the other side of the office with the call in your hand.
Well done!
Thanks for the feedback! GLadto hear it worked for you.
I think handover will be a little tough to do, but i suspect you might use the Iphone as a deskphone with the use of some docking station in the future?
I'll have to live with it for a few days before I know whether I would think about ditching the desk phone, but I'll certainly give it a go.
Hi, We have very excited to use 3CXPhone for Iphone. As we know, One of the good things about the Apple platform is that the standard is enforced, therefore we know it works on any iOS Apple device out there.
We are IP phones and VoIP phones providers. Please visit this website for more information.
Thanks for sharing this new application. I would really want to have this on our company. The number of iPhone users are really increasing in our office.
polycom ip 550
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