Friday, June 1, 2007

CITRIX, ThinPrint and unlimited thin clients for $700?

Yes! Just delivered by 2X instead of Citrix!!

You can buy 2X Application Server with server based printing for $700 and download 2X ThinClientServer free for unlimited clients.

That means you can save thousands of dollars on Citrix, another few thousand on Thin Print and tens of thousands on thin clients, simply by converting your old machines.

Check out the press release

The new 2X ApplicationServer 5 for small businesses delivers CITRIX like functionality without user or connection limitation for single Windows Terminal Servers.

London, UK, 1 June 2007 - 2X today announced the release of its popular application publishing solution, 2X ApplicationServer v.5 Small Business Edition. The new release targets entrepreneurs running small businesses, providing them with safe and seamless access to applications and data from any location without stressing their IT budget

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